Hear what Happy PERNOX Customers Have to Say:

I have been using Pernox for over a year and it is life changing! I have struggled with achieving a clean and clear complexion for a long time and this is the first time in my life I am getting compliments on my skin. I have been able to go from wearing a full coverage foundation to a tinted moisturizer. The glow your skin has after using it is amazing. Trust me when I say you will be addicted to Pernox.

"Cameron R." (2022)

“PERNOX is by far the best product I have ever used!!!! It leaves your skin feeling refreshed. Please bring it back…”

“Krystal Morris” (December 30, 2021)

“Gather round children, and let me tell you what we had that you don’t. PERNOX was made by Bristol-Myers-Squibb – (Westwood/Squibb) and there will never again be a product as miraculous for skin as PERNOX. PERNOX was the best. It was my hand to god, a miracle face wash. There will never be another product like it…”

“coldwine” (May 9, 2020)

“I am devastated to learn they no longer make PERNOX. I have read reviews of people saying this alternative product is exactly like PERNOX. NOT!!! PERNOX would leave your face felling like you just had a peel. These alternative products leave your face feeling like it has a layer of oil on it…”

"KarenM” (August 18, 2018)

Commenting on an alternative skin cleansing product - ”NOT the same as PERNOX, it left my face feeling oily. NOT for me…”

“Joni” (July 24, 2017)

“I too was a lifetime (45years!!!) PERNOX user. Still miss it and if it came back on the on Market I’d buy a car load…it was so effective on my oily prone skin...”

"Michele from GA" (March 22, 2016)

Commenting on an alternative skin cleansing product – “Average facial scrub, no magic like PERNOX had…”

“bibkel” (March 15, 2016)

“I used PERNOX for over 30 years and it did a great job controlling my oily skin. Very frustrated the manufacturer has discontinued making PERNOX…”

"Christopher Kean" (September 16, 2014)

“PERNOX Discontinued! HELP!!”

”Elizabeth Woodside” (November 22, 2013)

"The best product. I have been using PERNOX since I was 18, every day. I am now 68 and can’t find it anywhere."

"Elaine A. Brown” (March 19, 2016)

“I too, am a decades long user and was shocked to see PERNOX no longer exists. What I learned many years ago was that my skin responds to that fine scrub (of PERNOX). But it is (all the other cleansing ingredients) that makes all the difference. My oily skin is a magnet and keeping it clean and exfoliated is key. Without the perfect combination of the PERNOX ingredients, I am not happy."

“Janielics” (March 1, 2016)

“I was a PERNOX User for 30 years and still grieving the loss. Since discontinued, I’ve tried suggest products and concocted a few, too. Nothing gives the feeling or protection we got from PERNOX…"

“Kline” (March 1, 2016)

"I began using PERNOX in the 1970’s and continued to do so until it became unavailable late 2013. I was always satisfied with the product – it was a fantastic skin exfoliator for the face and body, and it was doing more for my skin than I realized. PERNOX had a very fine sand-like grit that I’ve never found in any other product. If anybody can make PERNOX at home – share the recipe please – I need those little micro-scrubbers back…"

“kmotc” (February 22, 2016)

"I too have been using PERNOX for years. Now that it’s been discontinued I can’t find anything that gives the same cleansing/exfoliating effect ;("

“Adriana” (August 5, 2017)

"I love this, I wish they would still make it. It’s such a good scrub and makes your skin feel so clean. Why is it gone?? Bring it back. I love PERNOX…"

“Kathleen” (February 20, 2021)

"Let’s start a letter writing campaign to get PERNOX back on the market…"

“Cali RN” (December 15, 2019)

"Great product. I have been using PERNOX for over 35 years. I recommend this product to anyone with oily skin and want that refreshed feel on their face."

“Jack” (November 23, 2011)

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PERNOX, now Enhanced with:

 -Moisturizing Humectant     

-Natural Oily Skin Busting Cleansing of Organic Australian Tea Tree Oil   

-Skin Smoothing Green Tea  Extract